St Matthew's Netball Club
GRNA use Team App to communicate important information regarding the draw, duties and rosters, court allocations, wet weather cancellations and other important updates. All players are required to download Team App and to check this weekly to ensure they are receiving important communication. Team App is also frequently used by Coaches and Managers to manage their player rosters and to communicate other important team information.
You can download Team App HERE
St Matt's use Facebook to share information about upcoming events from the Club and GRNA. We also share information from the wider netball community. The Facebook Page is also used by some club members to buy and sell second-hand uniform items. See this linked Facebook Group. The club does not take any responsibility for second-hand uniform transactions.
General Enquiries: stmatthewsnetballclub@hotmail.com
Uniform Enquiries: stmatthewsnetballuniforms@gmail.com