St Matthew's Netball Club
The current uniform requirements for St Matthew's Netball Club players are as outlined below. Please read the Important Information section below before registering. Uniforms must be ordered and paid for through our online form.
All players (competitive and social, not Fun Net) are required to wear a St. Matthew's club polo shirt in their team colour when playing.
Different coloured shirts are allocated to teams once registration is complete and teams have been finalised. Where possible all efforts are made to keep teams together, however this cannot be guaranteed. If you / your child are placed in a new team you may be required to purchase a different coloured shirt before the season starts.

The current uniform requirements for St Matthew's Netball Club players are as outlined below. GRNA are currently reviewing uniform policy to align to the new uniform policy direction of Netball NSW.
team polo shirt
black netball skirt (generic) or St Matts
embroidered black shorts
(ordered through the club)
white socks and netball shoes
team polo shirt
St Matts embroidered black shorts
white socks and netball shoes
team polo shirt
black netball skirt, 3/4 length black leggings or St Matts embroidered black shorts
white socks and netball shoes
We now have unisex microfibre shorts available for purchase
A unisex zippered hoodie with front pockets is available for purchase and a great option for those cooler months.
Hats are not to be worn but players may wish to wear a foam visor. These are available for purchase through the Uniform Coordinator.
All uniforms must be ordered and paid for through our online form.
All players must be in correct uniform in order to take the court. Umpires will check uniform, including jewellery and nails, prior to the start of the game. Players MUST follow any instruction given by the umpire, including a direction to leave the court. (NB: The only exception is if a uniform has been ordered at registration but has not been filled due to unavailability.)
GRNA has strict rules regarding jewellery. No jewellery is to be worn by any player. The only exception is a taped wedding ring or medical bracelet. (NB: New piercings will not be accepted nor will jewellery worn for cultural or religious reasons. Please keep this in mind BEFORE registering to play.)​
Fingernails must be short and smooth. Nails will be checked prior to play. We ask all players to check, and cut their nails if required, before the game so as not to hold up play.
Some club members choose to buy and sell their uniform through the Second Hand Uniform Group associated with our Facebook Page.
The email to communicate with the Uniforms Coordinator is:
NB: Please keep in mind that the Uniform Coordinator is a volunteer and response times will reflect this.